family activities

You don’t have to go to Disney Land, Sea World, camping, hiking, fishing, or spend the day at a waterslide park to strengthen connections between family members, but you can. These are things I did with my family.

Family activities don’t have to take up a weekend or even an entire day. Here are some ideas that range from a few minutes to a few months:

  1. Frisbe toss
  2. Swimming at the community swimming pool
  3. A trip to buy ice cream cones
  4. A trip to the pizza parlor
  5. A bike ride
  6. Going to the driving range and hitting a bucket of balls
  7. Miniature golf
  8. Sleep out in the back yard
  9. Build a fire and roast marshmallows
  10. Innertube or taboggan down a snowy slope
  11. Build a snowman
  12. Go ice skating
  13. Horseshoes
  14. Archery
  15. Ping-pong
  16. Tennis
  17. Pickleball
  18. Basketball
  19. Movie night with popcorn
  20. Family meals
  21. Laugh together
  22. Tell jokes
  23. Help another family in need
  24. Do a random act of kindness
  25. Visit a museum
  26. Horseback riding
  27. Visit the zoo
  28. Camp in the backyard
  29. Play a board game
  30. Have a picnic in the living room floor
  31. Fly kites
  32. Have breakfast for dinner
  33. Visit the library and check out some books
  34. Learn something new like origami
  35. Create a family bucket list
  36. Set up a lemonade stand
  37. Go bowling
  38. Go to a play
  39. Visit an aquarium
  40. Experiment with a new recipe
  41. Run or walk a 5K
  42. Do a jigsaw puzzle
  43. Visit a place where you have never been
  44. Attend a sporting event
  45. Have desert before dinner
  46. Have a spaghetti dinner where everyone eats with their hands
  47. Make a time capsule and bury it
  48. Plant a tree
  49. Do karaoke
  50. Create your own family band
  51. Have family meetings

Family Meetings

A family meeting is where everyone comes together to discuss, learn, and play on a regular basis – ideally, weekly. Consider the following activities to be included in your family meetings:

Appreciation Time – This is where everyone takes a moment, at the beginning of each Family Meeting, to tell one thing they appreciated about each family member during the past week.

Calendar Time – Family meetings are a good time to coordinate everyone’s schedule for the following week.

Open Discussion – Open Discussion is the opportunity for anyone to talk about anything. It can be used to ask for help in making a decision, register a complaint, present a problem and find a solution, make an announcement, or request help with something.

Teach Something – This is a good time for mom or dad to teach something that might be awkward or difficult under any other circumstance. This is where good values are learned and discussed. Teaching values is Skill #11. Someone can teach a new skill: magic trick, yo-yo trick, listening skill, etc.

Fun Time – Fun Time can be as simple as going around the room and having everyone tell a joke, to something more ambitious like going for a bike ride. It should be the last item on your Family Meeting agenda. Try board games, card games like Uno, or skill games like Jenga.

Treat Time – Everyone enjoys treats, so be sure to make treat time part of every Family Meeting

Family Time Meets all Four Emotional Needs

Family time builds relationships between family members and helps to meet all four of the 4 Emotional Needs:

  1. A sense of belonging
  2. A sense of personal power
  3. To be heard and understood
  4. Boundaries

Stephen R. Covey, in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly effective Families (p.140) says, “I have taught this idea now for over twenty years, and many couples and single parents have said that family time is an enormously valuable and practical “take home” idea. They say it has had the most profound effect on family prioritization, closeness, and enjoyment of any family idea they have ever heard.