Mini-Lessons > 1. Reduce the Struggling

Reduce the Struggling

How can you reduce your struggling?

If your child’s behavior is causing you to struggle, then you have two options:

  1. Have more patience and toughen up so you can endure the unwanted behaviors because they are not going to magically go away.
  2. Learn how to improve your child’s behavior. As the behavior improves, your struggling will decline.

I prefer the second option and I’m sure you do too.

So, how can you improve your child’s behavior? How can you get your child to do what you ask without a fight? How can you improve cooperation.

How can you minimize the whining, teasing, fighting with siblings, interrupting, backtalk, defiance, lying, breaking rules and other such misbehaviors?

Well, I wouldn’t bring this up if I wasn’t going to tell you. In fact, I’m dying to tell you.


I feel pretty confident about making two promises:

  1. If you follow “the plan”, your child’s behavior will improve.
  2. If you don’t follow the plan, your child’s behavior will NOT improve.

Here’s the first thing I want you to know. This is the beginning of the plan I just introduced.

A child cannot behave “good” when he or she is struggling.

If your child is behaving poorly, you can bet he or she is struggling inside. You can’t see it, but it’s there.

Before you can expect your child’s behavior to improve, you have to reduce his or her struggling.

I’m going to teach you 15 parenting skills to do that. These skills will help you minimize your child’s struggling without punishing, bribing, threatening, or lecturing.

As your child feels less struggling, your relationship with that child will strengthen, cooperation will improve, your child will be open to learning good values and practicing them, and you will increase the odds your child will make good choices when you are not around.

How would THAT lessen your struggling?

So, you are going to focus on reducing your children’s struggling. As you do so, you’ll watch their behavior improve. The new, improved behavior will cause your struggling to go down. And you will tell all your friends about this website.

But wait! That’s not all.

As you follow the plan, as explained in this website, you will learn how to steer your children away from going down dark paths leading to:

  • Drug and alcohol addiction
  • Unplanned teenage pregnancies
  • Poverty and homelessness
  • Crime and incarceration
  • Acts of terrorism
  • Pornography addiction
  • Gang involvement
  • Violence
  • Failed marriages
  • Child abuse
  • Suicide

You will learn how to help your children thrive. Can you think of a better reward for you or for your children?

Well then, let’s get started learning the plan.

The next Mini-Lesson explains the 4 objectives you are going to achieve.

Then you will learn about your children’s 4 Emotional Needs. The 4 emotional needs are the foundation of the plan. All of the skills you will learn will help you to meet those emotional needs.

When you meet the needs, that’s when you will see the miracle start to unfold.