My Book

What is your parenting emergency?

I wrote this book for two reasons:

  1. To help parents keep these kids off drugs and out of jail.
  2. To show parents how to reduce their struggling and enjoy the parenting journey.


This book teaches 15 skills to help parents keep their children from going down dark paths leading to:

  • Drug and alcohol addiction
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Crime
  • Gangs
  • Gun violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Even suicide

These are tragedies happening to our young people and plaguing our society.

I believe these tragedies can be prevented – or a least reduced – in families where parents know what to do.

I wrote this book to show parents what to do. Parents will learn how to help their children THRIVE, while at the same time, reduce their struggling and enjoy the parenting journey.

You’re wondering what makes this book different from all the other parenting books out there. Three things:

First, everything in this book centers around 5 words – the most powerful 5 words a parent can live by:

Meet the 4 Emotional Needs

You see, every child had 4 emotional needs that must be met. When parents meet these needs, good things happen:

  1. Relationships with children grow stronger
  2. Cooperation improves
  3. Parents build a strong family where children learn and practice good values
  4. Parents increase the likelihood their children will make good choices when parents are not around

However, when parents don’t meet these needs (whether they know about them or not), that’s when struggling happens. That’s when children’s behavior worsens. That’s when parents get overwhelmed and stressed out.

I want you to know the 4 Emotional Needs:

  1. A sense of belonging
  2. A sense of personal power
  3. To be heard and understood
  4. Boundaries

Second, this book teaches the 15 skills necessary to meet those 4 emotional needs. I’ve done the research so parents don’t have to. This will save parents time, and eliminate the frustration of having to read a lot of books.

Third, this book is easy to read and easy to understand. I’ve left out the “fluff” (the non-essential material) to make this book short and to the point. I’ve tried to eliminate every excuse a parent could have for not reading this book.

This book has the potential to dramatically change your family. When you meet the 4 Emotional Needs, you will reduce your parenting struggles and put your children on paths leading to success and happiness.

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