Teach with questions

This is a dangerous world for children. The more they know about possible situations they might encounter, the better prepared they will be to properly handle them. Consider having a discussion about each of the following questions.

  1. What if your friend shows you pornography on his smartphone or computer, what would you do?
  2. What if you see your friend steal something from a store, what would you do?
  3. What if your friend told you something you knew was a lie, what would you do?
  4. What if you are at a movie and the person next to you (who you don’t know) is texting and keeps you from enjoying the movie, what would you do?
  5. What if your friend is making rude comments about someone because of their race or ethnicity, what would you do?
  6. What if you noticed your stolen bike chained up to a bike rack, what would you do?
  7. What if you saw someone getting bullied, what would you do?
  8. What if your friend just had a loved one die, what would you do?
  9. What if you and your friend both have an interest in dating the same person, what would you do?
  10. What if you see someone cheating on a test, what would you do?
  11. What if you see a new person at school eating lunch by themselves, what would you do?
  12. What if you overheard someone badmouthing your friend, what would you do?
  13. What if you are standing in line next to someone who is swearing so much it bothers you, what would you do?
  14. What if a student you have never seen before is crying in the bathroom, what would you do?
  15. You have friends that are rude. They gossip about people they don’t know. They make fun of people because of their color, race, or religion. Should you continue to hang out with them?
  16. What is a true friend?
  17. Your friend’s boyfriend is cheating on your friend by seeing other girls. He tells her he loves her, but you think he is just stringing her along. Your friend is heartbroken and feels used, but is unwilling to dump him. What would you say to her? How can you help her to build her self-esteem? Why do some people stay with someone who is wrong for them?
  18. You made a neckless for your friend, Joice. Joice got mad at you and said she didn’t want your stupid neckless any more. A while later you give the neckless to another friend. Now Joice says she wants to be friends again and asks for the neckless back. What do you do?
  19. You are at a checkout stand at a store and see someone drop a $20 bill on the floor. They don’t know they dropped it. What do you do?
  20. Your best friend swears all the time. It bothers you but you have been ignoring it. What do you do?
  21. You have something troubling you but are afraid to tell your parents. How can you tell if it’s safe to talk with them without being criticized, shamed, or getting punished.
  22. You accidently scratch your dad’s car with your bike. If you don’t tell your dad, he’ll never know it was you. What do you do?
  23. Your friends want you to skip school and go with them. They say that no one will ever find out. What do you do.
  24. Your friend’s mother just passed away. Your friend asks you, “Why does God let things like this happen?” What do you say?
  25. Your friend’s family is poor. They have a hard time paying all the bills. Someone tells your friend he can make a lot of money selling drugs. They tell him he’ll be able to help his family, and besides, people who come to you for drugs want the drugs and they’ll get drugs from someone else if not from him. What do you tell your friend?
  26. You and your friends go out for pizza. Your server brings you the bill to pay at your table and leaves. One of your friends suggest that you all leave without paying. “It’ll be a thrill. They’ll never catch us,” says your friend.” What do you do?
  27. A student at your school drops her books and papers and they go all over the hall. The hall is filled with students. What do you do? What if you are in a hurry.
  28. Your friend just found out her parents are getting a divorce. What do you say?
  29. What does it mean to be gay? Does a person’s sexual preference mean make them any less of a human being? Do you know anyone that is gay?
  30. You promise to help your friend with yard work on Saturday morning, but you stayed up late Friday night and are really tired. What do you do?
  31. A couple of your friends invite you to go to a movie you’ve been dying to see, but you have to work that night. They tell you to call in sick. What do you do?
  32. You’re eating dinner with your family. Someone asks you a question when you have a mouthful of food. What should you do?
  33. A disheveled man approaches you in the parking lot of a store and asks you for some money. What do you do?
  34. You get on a bus that is nearly empty and put your backpack on the seat next to you. After a short time, the bus is filled with people standing in the isle. What do you do?
  35. You don’t want to go on a date with someone, but that person has gone way out of their way to ask you in a special way. What do you do?

Shannon Alder has written a great book called, “350 Questions Parents Should Ask During Family Night”. Check it out.