Teach with questions

Questions get kids thinking. Choose from the questions below and have a discussion about it. You can do this over dinner, while driving somewhere, while spending one-on-one time, or at a family meeting.

  1. What should you do if someone offered you drugs? Alcohol? A cigarette? What if they constantly pressure you?
  2. What should you do if you see your friend being pressured to try drugs, alcohol or a cigarette?
  3. How easy is it to get addicted to drugs?
  4. You’re at your friend’s house and you notice his or her parents drinking a lot of alcohol, or doing drugs or watching pornography. What should you do?
  5. You are at your friend’s house and one of his or her parents offers to drive you home. However, that parent appears to have been drinking. You are not sure if it’s safe for them to be driving. What should you do? (One option: Call your parents and have secret codeword that tells them, “I need you to come get me.”)
  6. You are invited to a party, but are pretty sure there will be drugs and alcohol there. What should you do?
  7. You are at a party and watch a girl who looks drunk and confused, being led by two boys to a back bedroom. What should you do?
  8. What do you say to a friend who is drunk and is about to drive home?
  9. When should you call 911 and when should you not? What do you say when making a 911 call?
  10. What neighbor should you go to if you need help?
  11. If you need to call your mom or dad, do you know their phone numbers?
  12. Your little brother or sister is about to put a toy into the microwave. Is that okay?
  13. You see someone struggling to breathe. Do you know what to do? Do you know the Heimlich maneuver? Do you know CPR?
  14. You are walking down the street and someone you don’t know offers to give you a ride. They say they are friends of your parents. What should you do?
  15. What should you do if you are in your house and smell smoke?
  16. You are driving a car in a parking lot and accidently dent or scratch another car. What should you do?
  17. You are alone with an older person and they touch you in a place that makes you feel uncomfortable. Or, they ask you to touch them. What should you do?
  18. Someone you know touches you inappropriately and threatens to kill you or a family member if you tell anyone. What should you do?
  19. Your friend wants you to watch an R-rated movie. What should you do?
  20. You overhear a teacher tell a girl how pretty she is and makes an inappropriate comment. What should you do?
  21. Your friend tells you that someone has been touching him or her inappropriately. What should you do?
  22. Your 15-year-old friend tell you she is thinking about having sex with her boyfriend. What should you do?
  23. Your friend tells you he or she is thinking about suicide. What should you do?
  24. You are on a date with someone you really like who pressures you to have sex. What should you do?
  25. Someone offers you a lot of money if you would agree to pose for nude pictures. What should you do?
  26. A van pulls up beside you and a person inside asks you to come closer so they can ask you directions. What should you do?
  27. A man approaches you and your friend in a park and asks you to help him find his lost puppy. He shows you cute pictures of the puppy. What should you do?
  28. A man approaches you and calls you by name. He says, “I work with your dad and he asked me to pick you up and take you to McDonalds where your dad will meet up with you. What should you do?
  29. You are at school and someone starts to bully you. What do you do?
  30. One of your classmates tries to guilt you into letting them copy your homework. What should you do?
  31. You have been assigned to give a speech in front of your whole class. Will you be nervous? Petrified? How will you handle that?
  32. Your teacher is discussing sex education and ways to prevent pregnancy. The teacher, however, fails to mention abstinence as a way to prevent pregnancy. What do you do?
  33. Your friend has discovered that if she wears revealing clothing, she gets more attention from boys. What do you do?
  34. You are at your friend house, throwing a ball inside. The ball hits and breaks a lamp. Your friend says he’ll just blame it on his little brother. What do you do?
  35. Your friend asks you your opinion about her new hair style. You think is looks awful, so you tell her so. Now her feelings are hurt? Is there a better way to tell her how bad she looks? Should you lie and tell her she looks great?

If you want more questions to ask your children, click: More questions to ask your children.